Here at OFF DA HOOK CIGARS, we provide a wide variety of premium cigars, from boxes to sample packs. Our selections ranges from robust to infused cigars rolled from the finest leafs around the world. Take your time, look around, and see what we have to offer. If there's a special cigar that you need to satisfy your smoke buds, drop us a line and let us know your desires. We hope you enjoy our site and take a moment to drop us a line.
Hiram & Solomon Cigars are premium quality handmade cigars that match the caliber of the Brethren and the spirit they embody for all to enjoy. For men and women alike who take their commitments to tradition and good taste seriously.
Full of power and character, the carefully handcrafted cigars of Hiram & Solomon evoke the very spirit of Brotherhood – allowing for reflection on and the insightful examination of the ideas and traditions we hold dear. Our well-aged and elegantly crafted cigars create a rich tapestry of flavor and identity to be enjoyed best in the company of others.
A very popular item to have in stock for the modern smoker, ACID cigars have earned a huge a following with their secret infusion process of nearly 150 herbs, spices, botanicals, and essences that make the smoking experience unlike that of anything else on the market. Much more than just a gimmicky niche brand, ACID cigars are all handcrafted at Drew Estate’s famous factory in Nicaragua with some of the world’s best handpicked and fully aged premium tobaccos. With a staggering assortment of exotic blends in various packaging styles, and a wide range of wrapper colors and sizes, ACID cigars will surely bring tons of smoking pleasures into your world
This Nashville-based cigar manufacturer was one of the original creator of the boutique cigar lines. CAO has an amazing reputation for quality, design, and innovation. Almost every one of its cigars has something unique or special about it. The company has grown famous for its World collection, a series of cigars that use tobaccos from all around the world. Some of the most popular of these include the Brazil, the Italia, and the Colombia. Each of these cigars use the unique tobacco from their respective countries. The past few years have some them on the front page yet again, for their critically acclaimed Flat Head series and for their very limited but delicious Amazon Basin. From their humble beginnings in Music City to their spot today as a pillar of the industry, CAO was always a forward thinking brand you could count on.
Rocky Patel’s passion for cigars and quest for excellence are very recognizable in each and every Rocky Patel cigar blend. Known as some of the best luxury boutique cigars in the world, these premium smokes allow the smoker to indulge in an extraordinary experience like no other. Rocky Patel’s lineup of lavish brands is quite broad and includes only choice tobaccos, many of them vintage and rare. With many anniversary selections commemorating important dates, flavored cigars such as Rocky Patel Java, and various other top choices for your consumers, OFF DA HOOK provides a bevy of options in different sizes and packaging types so you can create the perfect collection of Rocky Patel cigars to your selection.
A popular choice in Cuba, Cohiba cigars are also produced by the famed General Cigar factories in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua for the US market. Some of the finest and most luxurious cigars ever made, Cohiba has set the standard of excellence for all other brands. The highest quality of craftsmanship and exceptional flavors creates an impressive experience each time one of these elegant beauties is lit. Whether as a daily choice or for a special occasion, Cohiba cigars are known and loved by thousands of patrons and should always be a permanent cigar in your humidor.
One of the world’s most loved and respected cigar brands is Montecristo from the prestigious Altadis USA factory. Connoisseurs crave the brand’s excellent craftsmanship and consistency, along with the smooth and satisfying flavors that these fine cigars provide with each and every puff. Santa Clara Cigars carries an array of different and unique blends, wrappers, sizes, and strengths in various boxes, packs, and tins.
The list of fine premium cigars from the distinguished Oliva family is never-ending; expert craftsmanship, superb construction, and time-honored traditions shine through in each cigar. Highly rated by notable publications time and time again, Oliva cigars offer several different and enjoyable recipes that create memorable experiences for all who indulge. Whether your shoppers are looking for smooth and sweet cigars, big and bold flavors, or celebratory smokes, there’s an Oliva choice that will satisfy even the most discriminating connoisseur.
The shape and size of these cigars are, admittedly, ridiculous. However, they were crafted for a purpose—a delicious purpose that they fulfill. The rollers at the Oliva factory wanted to create a cigar that immediately hits the sweet spot. Thus, the aptly named Nub was born. Even with its shorter length, its big ring gauge will give you a long, even-burning smoke. Nubs come in a wide variety of delicious blends and wrappers: Cameroon, Maduro, Connecticut, and even Habano. Since their creation, Nubs have certainly been the talk of the industry not just for their unique shape but also for their outstanding flavor and quality.
Originally crafted at a factory in Miami, La Gloria Cubana cigars’ production was moved to the famous General Cigar factory in the Dominican Republic after gaining serious popularity—and now some are even made in Nicaragua. These premium full-flavored handmade cigars are available in many different sizes, shapes, blends, strengths, wrappers, and packaging types on the Santa Clara Cigar website. The La Gloria résumé is absolutely outstanding, and there’s a La Gloria Cubana cigar to fit any smoker’s favored flavor profile. If you haven’t already, make a point of adding a few boxes of these world-famous cigars to your inventory soon; you won’t be disappointed.
Romeo y Julieta cigars are crafted by the Grupo de Maestros of the legendary Altadis USA factory. One of the most famous brands in the world by far, these cigars are known for their expert construction, unparalleled consistency, signature smoothness, and delicious flavors. Available in a wide variety of blends, wrappers, strengths, sizes, and packaging, the Romeo y Julieta brand offers a cigar for every smoker’s preference.
With over 100 years of hard work, dedication, and tradition, the highly respected Fuente family’s passion for cigars has become a global benchmark for the industry. Crafting some of the finest premium cigars in the world with filler tobaccos and wrappers that exude excellence like no other, this famous family has created several different signature blends that provide the most delectable and satisfying medium-to-full-bodied flavors, including their most popular classic line as well as the Hemingway, Sun Grown, Don Carlos, and many more.
Punch Cigars are an unmissable force in the cigar industry, and are guaranteed to be found in any cigar shop throughout the country. For nearly two centuries, they have set a powerful standard for premium handmades and amassed the hearts of aficionados everywhere by offering consistently unique blends and top-quality construction.